Hearing from women who are so eager to learn, yet know so little, about their own bodies makes me feel even more motivated to share the knowledge all women are entitled to. As women, we have this incredibly powerful reproductive system inside each of us and we should know all about it!
Read MoreHey – it’s me again! I’m back and better than ever. At least that’s what I think ;). I went MIA for a little while. Come on now; don’t be mad, we all do it. Are you at all curious as to where I have been? Well, I went on my journey to motherhood; one that leads me to my beautiful baby girl, Kinsley. She couldn’t be any more perfect. I know, I'm biased. Cut me a break though, aren’t all moms?!
Read MoreI've been there. I was the twenty-seven-year-old woman, fresh out of a relationship, questioning to herself: “will I ever meet Mr. Right?” PANIC.
Read MoreOocyte Cryopreservation, or egg freezing, is the process of extracting, freezing, and storing a woman’s eggs. Most importantly, egg freezing allows a woman to halt the ticking of her biological clock and bank her eggs for future use.
Read MoreI truly believe if there is one thing a woman needs to know when it comes to her fertility, it’s the biological clock.
Read MoreEm-pow-er-ment [noun]: the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.
Read MoreFSH? I’m going to assume that most of you who are reading this have NO CLUE what FSH means. That’s okay. You are not alone. The majority of women of all age groups have no idea what FSH means.
Read MoreAs a woman who has struggled with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) for most of her life and didn't know squat about it, I feel it is important to educate women about this disease especially since it affects 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age.
Read MoreAdmittedly, before working at Main Line Fertility, I had no idea what Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) was. You would have thought after going to nursing school at Villanova, or spending five years as a postpartum nurse, I would have had some idea. But, no. I didn't realize how uneducated I was about something as simple as the menstrual cycle. Do any of us know what happens monthly, or should I say, what is supposed to happen monthly? Don't worry, stick with me. I got you covered. I'm here to teach you the ins and outs of it all!
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